Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Ming and Qing: War after War, Loss after Loss

What do you get when you cross a 300 year old dynasty, an overpowered war and some conservative thinkers? First you'll get a huge amount of treaties increasing restriction in your homeland, and secondly, well, let face it, narrow minded people. During the Qing, Emperor Qianlong, has ruled out any forms of missionaries and trade influence from the desperate George III and Macartney. Eventually the rejection of against the westerners installs a plan, why don't we smuggle them in? Exactly. During this time China was addiction, was on its knees anytime they could get their had on opium, man were selling their wives in exchange for money for the possession of opium. Opium in other words was widespread, it engaged in a collapse in many lives, and didn't stick well to many, like the Emperor. This is when Commisoner Lin stepped in, he was commissioner by the emperor to request that Britain stop the import of opium into Chinese soil, they would have none of that, and neither would the Chinese. This just urged Lin to confiscate tons of opium, and he then mixed it with lime and mud and dumped it into the bay. Before you know it this implemented anger in the British hearts, and the Chinese are swept away into a total massacre. What's important was the Treaty of Nanking, it had given the west access to a few port, for residency and for trade. In later history, we'll see the both Britain and France reluctant to think otherwise then to attack the Chinese, after the Chinese disloyalty of the Treaty of Nanking and their assault against the British forces, not to mention the Chinese imprisonment of the British representative. The westerners advancement soon showed itself to repeat history, we had a second opium war, and the Treaty of Tianjin was established, again and commonly reflecting back to what happened earlier the treaty had increased the number of resident and trade ports available. The last and final war came around 30 years later, but it all ties back, we keep seeing china getting in some sort of mix up with a foreign country and get caught on the wrong side. The Sino- Japanese war, Japan at the time was running into Korean territory in hopes of conquering, but the Chinese stood in their way but where no match for the already modernized Japan, and again for the third time treaties had been set. The Treaty of Shimonoseki, enabled manufacturing in china to be set, through these bloody events China was always on the back foot, maybe it was their conservative background? I believe it played a part even when the Self-Strengthening Movement was placed, china developing weaponry, was like china erasing their past ancestors all their honor and glory was burned to ashes. The people didn't like the idea and were very unwilling to conform to the western ways, as well as Cixi the empress, was a blockade to the adaption to the ideas of blending western in to Chinese ways.  We have war after war and loss after loss, and solutions in front of them but never truly grasped them because their stubborn culture had engulfed the idea of conformation.

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